Are periods important ?

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Did you know having a period every month can be an indication of good health?

This is because, if not on hormonal birth control or pregnant, getting a period every month often means you ovulated. Ovulation isn’t just for making babies. It helps your body produce an important hormone called progesterone that is needed for your brain, bones, metabolism and mental health. A healthy period lasts 5-7 days and the days between each period(your cycle length) should be around 21-35 days. If you bleed longer than a week or don’t get a period after 35 days it probably means you didn’t ovulate and there is some form of imbalance going on.

Some cultural rhetoric view periods as being a curse or an inconvenience, but ladies this couldn’t be further from the truth. Our periods are a way of connecting with our bodies and can shed light on what else may be going on with our health. It can act like a inner guide, trying to tell you what your body has been going through the last few months. For example, having a period with heavy flow can mean there is a lot of inflammation in your body or that your thyroid is under functioning. Or perhaps not getting a period at all can imply that you might not be eating enough food, especially healthy fats, or have a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) that is caused by a dysfunction in sugar regulation(sort of like diabetes). So much information about ourselves can be gathered from our monthly gift. 

What if you are on hormonal birth control?

Because hormonal birth control shuts down ovulation all together, the bleed that occurs is different from a period that happens after ovulation. The pill bleed is from the withdrawal of the synthetic hormones during the week of sugar pills. Without ovulation, the natural production of progesterone doesn’t occur and can help explain why some women suffer major mood changes when on the pill. Some women don’t notice any side effects on the pill, but if you do, it may be time to talk to your health practitioner about it.

Having a period is a superpower.

It can allow us to create life. It can provide us with inside information about our bodies and guide us on ways to optimize our health to live our best lives. Do you get a period every month? What are some things you like about it? What are some things you would like to change?

Let me know in the comments below.

Your health cheerleader,



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