Top 5 Ways to Beat the Cold and Flu Season

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     Winter is in full force in Toronto and that often comes with the inevitable cold and flu season. Fear not, as prevention is key and can help keep those sniffles at bay. Here are some easy tips to help keep your immune system strong this season:

1. Vitamin D

     Vitamin D plays an important role in our immune system and helps keep it armed and ready to combat an infection. It is naturally made in our body in response to sunlight, so becomes a challenge for those north of the equator, especially in the darker fall and winter months. Supplementing with Vitamin D can help and it is quite accessible and inexpensive. It can be found at a local pharmacy or health food store. Be sure to read the label and that it is Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Also, take your Vitamin D with food. It is a fat-soluble vitamin which means that it needs some form of fat/oil to help your body absorb it.

2. Probiotics

     Probiotics are healthy bacteria and have a hand in priming our immune system. Majority of them are found in our digestive tract and can be reduced with antibiotic use, levels of high stress and an unbalanced diet. They can be found in fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchee or miso. Try to add these foods to your daily diet to reap the benefits. If you decide you want to supplement, try for ones that are at least 10 billion CFU and contain strains that start with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria.

3. Bone Broth

     Bone broth soup has been used traditionally for centuries by many cultures throughout the world, especially during the fall and winter seasons. There is a reason why chicken soup is often prescribed when feeling under the weather! With this kind of soup, the bones from meat are cooked slowly and over a couple of hours. This helps extract the high mineral and electrolyte content from the bone and in turn supports your body’s ability to fight an infection. Try to eat this at least once a week during the season. You often can make a big batch and place the rest in the freezer to consume when needed. If you are vegan or vegetarian, upping your soup game with root vegetables and plant protein will help keep your body warm and immune system strong,


     Zinc is another important mineral to be sure to be consuming in the fall and winter seasons. It helps with the development and function of the part of your immune system that will take care of any invading bacteria or viruses. Pumpkin seeds or oysters are simple yet effective foods that can increase your zinc levels. If deciding to supplement, zinc can cause some digestive upset so be sure to take it with food.

5. Sleep

     Yes, catch those zzz’s. We live in a society that commends being busy and being on the go all time but ensure to take time to rest. A body that is exhausted or stressed, depresses your immune system and is more susceptible to a cold or flu. If you feel tired, listen to your body and catch your rest. While each of us require different amounts of sleep to feel refreshed, the average person needs 7-8hrs of quality sleep to benefit from this recharge.

    There you have it, your cold and flu ammunition for the new season. I would love to hear your experiences, so comment below if you have already tried some of these.

In health,


Dewy Winter Skin